Involving Employees in Disaster Recovery Plans
Posted 03 Jun, 2020
Author - Aderonke Adekunle
Involving Employees in Disaster Recovery Plans

One thing business owners need to understand is that Disaster recovery (DR) and Business continuity (BC) plans are not just about assessments, business impact analyses, plans and exercises. They are also about the people who run the company, manage business processes and interface with clients, suppliers, investors, and stakeholders. While most organizations that address BC/DR consider the impact of disruptions on technology and business processes, what can they do to protect their oft-stated most important asset - their employees?
Aside from the threat of a pandemic the world is facing right now, in nearly any kind of crisis or disruption to business, organizations will need to safeguard and support employees while continuing to manage the business. Issues such as the Employees ability to work, Employees ability to deliver critical services, Ability to maintain business operations, etc are what arises and affects employees during a disaster period, such as what we are experiencing now.
Before the event of a disaster, organizations should be well prepared and plan ahead of time, not only for business impacts but also how business operations and employees will be managed. Your DR/BC plan should cover payroll, communications, employee training, employee welfare, succession planning and all business operations processes. Additional funds for disaster relief may also be needed.
To help your organization fully address the human issues surrounding BC/DR planning, ask the following questions:
·       Does the organization have critical policies regarding the safeguarding of personnel identified and alternatives designed specifically for use during a crisis?
·       How will employees receive critical information in the event of a crisis?
·       How will employees communicate among themselves to keep the business running?
·       Have we disseminated the right advice to employees to prepare them in the event of a crisis? How current is it?
·       How well are we able to provide immediate support to our employees and their families following a crisis? What support will be needed?
·       What job training is in place to ensure that staffing gaps can be quickly filled?
·       What succession plans are in place for critical management roles?
·       How should existing resource plans (e.g., access to office supplies, alternate office space, transportation to alternate sites) and supplier strategies adapt to crises?
·       What critical service plans, e.g., healthcare, are in place?
·       How can existing HR systems locate and redeploy key resources following a disaster?
Whether it is a short- or long-term disruption, organizations need to identify relevant actions to sustain business operations following the onset of a crisis. Our culture and model of working from home at teapotNG has given us an edge even in this period. With our employees being provided with the right tools to work, we have been able to keep safe and continue with business operations even when the nation was in a state of lockdown.
Organizations that protect their employees have a far better chance of ensuring that their processes and technology can also be protected. Remember, it's rarely business as usual after a disaster. The effort your organization makes now to protect its employees in the event of a crisis will go a long way in helping the firm and the staff recover after the worst is over.

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